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A series of website designs side by side to make up a full background image
Happy Monday to you all! My name is -

Chris Gardiner

I'm a St. Lucian Web DesignerGraphic Designer with over 20 years+ of commercial experience.

About Chris
get started
I am Multi-disciplined
I know My sh*t
20+ years in Design
designs just for you
Your interest at heart
your success is mine
I want you to succeed
The word - DESIGN
I am

Chris Gardiner

Web Designer / Graphic Designer

This site is a testing ground for modern learnings and new recommendations learnt on a regular basis. So it is likely that you will see it change periodically. 😁

I am a Saint Lucian based Branding & Design Manager as well as co-Director at eMagine Solutions Inc - a web design agency in St. Lucia.

The purpose of this website is to provide a little more information about myself, showcase of some of my designs, additionally provide some knowledge transfer by use of blogs / articles for education purposes.

If you are interested in the topic of Web Design or Graphic Design, check out my blog section; feel free to review my portfolio while you are looking around.

If you are interested in chatting with me - schedule a call to ensure you have my attention; or just want to send me a note via the form below.

I hope you find something of use within the pages of my site, enjoy !

Getting paid online

A problem for the Caribbean

get in touch

I am located in the northern part of the island of Saint Lucia, Caribbean

Schedule a Call Contact Form Contact Form


World Map showing where I amWorld Map showing where I am
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View of St Lucia looking south over the island
Sunset behind Pigeon Island from the beach
5 dollar beach, east coast of Saint Lucia
The Landings hotel entrance
Sunset through the weeds
View of Castries harbour looking north over the island
Eerie full moon rising over a hill
Algae filled pond near the Sandals golf course